Over the past several years, the world has watched in horror at the unfolding refugee crisis across Syria and the Middle East and onto the shores of Greece. Since 2015, more than one million refugees have entered Europe, with most using Greece as the entry point to access the rest of the continent. In March 2016, many European countries abruptly closed their borders in response to the crisis, stranding tens of thousands of refugees in Greece.

As governments squabble over how many refugees they will accept per year, thousands of people have been stranded in a country that is unable to support them. Since 2008, Greece has been in a deep recession; GDP has shrunk by over 25 percent the past ten years. The lack of job opportunities and challenging living conditions has made life very difficult for refugees and Greek citizens alike. Today, 30 percent of the Greek population lives on the edge of the poverty line: two out of three households have an annual income lower than 18,000 euros.

At Antenna Group, we were at a loss about how we could make a difference. So we decided to bring people together and launch the first of what we hope will be a series: a Happy Hour for Humanity. We partnered with PRAKSIS, an independent N.G.O. that supports socially vulnerable populations in Greece regardless of color, race, religion and nationality. Through day centers and social services, PRAKSIS strives to rehabilitate and reintegrate the homeless and refugee population into the labor market.

Ready to make a difference?

If you’re based in San Francisco:

Join us on Friday, April 28, 2017 at Soda Popinski’s from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for drinks. Antenna Group will be manning the bar and all tips will go straight to PRAKSIS! To RSVP and find out more information, please visit our event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1275157252575090/

If you’re based in the tri-state area:

Join us on Thursday, April 27, 2017 at Tavern on Third for drinks. A $5 donation at the door gets you discounted drinks from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Antenna Group employees will also be rolling up their sleeves and helping behind the bar; a portion of the tips will also go to PRAKSIS. To RSVP and find out more information, please visit our event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1845055562415451/

Interested in donating but unable to attend? We have a venmo set up so you can send your donations from afar! www.venmo.com/antennaHHH

Every dollar we raise will be matched 100% by Antenna Group. Thank you in advance for your support!

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