The Age of Adoption is characterized by the transition from an era of climate tech research and innovation – an “Age of Innovation” – to the world today in which companies representing every economic sector are furiously adopting those solutions. 

While the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) “framework” for asset allocation and enterprise management is not the investment “darling” it was even a few years ago, ESG’s large and growing chorus of champions and practitioners need neither be discouraged by setbacks nor distracted by antagonists. Download the eBook, ESG Leadership in the Age of Adoption: An Opportunity To Define and Drive ESG Impact, to explore how a more uniform and easily comparable body of self-reported enterprise ESG performance data can lay the foundation for a more efficient and effective sustainable finance ecosystem.  

Bennett Artman, Director, Public Affairs

In the Age of Adoption, every company has a climate story; let Antenna Group’s experts define and amplify yours.

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