Water may cover 71 percent of the planet, but it seems to cover an even greater percentage of headlines lately. From the latest grim reports on California’s drought to severe flooding in Texas and Oklahoma to predictions of a looming mega-El Niño, water has saturated the news recently.
The latest eye-catching headlines are only the tip of the iceberg; they highlight the bigger issues surrounding water. For instance, the World Economic Forum recently ranked water scarcity as first among all long-term risks worldwide. And as the effects of climate change increase, compounded with a growing global population, the urgency of conserving water has hit an apex.
Fortunately, policy leaders have waded into water issues and the tides are beginning to turn in the right direction. In California, Governor Brown issued the state’s first statewide mandatory water reductions, and Obama’s Clean Power Plan is predicted to help slash water usage nationwide. Still, to accomplish these ambitious goals and avoid turning the globe into a water-starved wasteland a la Mad Max, much more needs to be done.
That’s why Antenna Group works with watershed companies that are making major waves in the water industry. Antenna Group has a swelling water division with a roster of clients that are “making it rain” with innovative water treatment and conservation solutions. For example, Antenna Group client, WaterSmart Software uses data to help customers make smarter decisions about reducing water usage, and have already saved nearly two billion gallons. And Antenna Group client, OriginClear recently unveiled their strategy to acquire water services companies and build a nationwide network of water treatment providers.
At a time when it can feel easy to drown in water woes, Antenna Group is proud to work with clients that are keeping hope afloat. Check out interviews with inspiring water entrepreneurs below!