Today on Raising Your Antenna, we are joined by two individuals who are at the forefront of the data and mobility space and leading the charge to make Big Data both responsible and valuable to the people that it is serving. Ben Volkow, the founder and CEO of Otonomo, and Yuval Cohen, founder and managing partner at StageOne Ventures, an l fund that invests in early-stage B2B deep tech startups in the Israeli ecosystem, share their professional backgrounds, what they saw that motivated them to be first movers in this space, and how they understand both the promise and potential risks of a Big Data World. Yuval was among the first investors in Otonomo and, in full disclosure, Otonomo is a client of Antenna Group, but one of the things that make Ben and Yuval special is that they are straight shooters which today’s episode will make clear.
Tune in as we discuss:
- Ben and Yuval’s professional journeys
- What inspired Ben to work in the connected car data space
- What motivated Yuval to invest in Otonomo
- Insights into Otonomo’s partnership with Microsoft
- The opportunities and challenges for OEMs when it comes to data collection
- Top takeaways for OEMs, suppliers, and mobility disruptors in their approach to consumer data
- …And more
Learn more about Otonomo and StageOne Ventures.