The cars get the headlines but the infrastructure and the cities that facilitate building that infrastructure will ultimately determine whether the autonomous vehicle revolution becomes a reality or fades away into the atmosphere like a burned-out comet. Mobility options such as electric scooters, dockless bikes and driverless vehicles are realities that city planners need to confront whether they are ready or not. The key that unlocks solutions to many infrastructure challenges is data. It is the newest four-letter word to enter the mainstream lexicon and its collection, analysis, and delivery both promises a more efficient, cleaner and safer transportation environment while also posing some threats to privacy and security.
On this episode, we are excited to have Noam Maital, CEO of Waycare, an AI-driven mobility solution that partners with cities and other public entities to get them ready for the onslaught of autonomous vehicles that will become ubiquitous on our city streets anywhere from the next 5 to 20 years.
Tune in as we talk about…
- Using infrastructure data and in-vehicle data to optimize traffic flow
- Cooperation of public and private sector in creating the right infrastructure for the future of mobility
- The use of mobility data specification to provide real-time data
- Key metrics and data points that public agencies need to better plan services and build the right infrastructur
- …and more!
Learn more about Noam Maital and Waycare at http://waycaretech.com/