Pensive doctor working

HIMSS 2023 gathered leaders from across the global health information and technology landscape for a weeklong conference loaded with fascinating sessions, which covered some of the most pressing challenges and exciting opportunities in healthcare today. These topics ranged from health equity as it relates to health data and public policy, to how hospitals are tapping virtual care to combat the clinician burnout crisis, and beyond. Many of these same topics dominated the stage at ViVE last month, reinforcing the importance of these trends to the industry at large.  It’s clear that the Age of Adoption is upon us.

One trend that stood out was AI’s impact on the healthcare industry today. Whether it was on the exhibit floor, on stage, or in one-on-one meetings, you couldn’t walk more than a few feet without discovering new AI innovations. Several key takeaways emerged from HIMSS on how generative AI can significantly impact the healthcare industry in a positive way, while also recognizing the concerns and considerations that need to be addressed to ensure that it’s safely integrated into healthcare.

Generative AI may assist with diagnosis and treatment planning

Generative AI applications have the ability to analyze vast amounts of patient data and medical literature. Such applications can help identify patterns and connections that are not immediately apparent to human physicians. With access to such advanced technologies, doctors can make more accurate diagnoses, choose the most effective treatment, and tailor treatment plans to individual patients’ needs. And they can do all of this at significantly increased speed, which can make a significant difference in patient outcomes. 

Generative AI may help enhance personalized medicine

Whether it is used to predict patients that are most likely to experience adverse effects during a specific treatment or to identify patients who are at risk of developing chronic conditions, generative AI can further personalize medicine. Personalized medicine has been a big priority over the last decade, with significant strides made, but with generative AI, medicine can reach new levels of personalization and precision.

Generative AI can help reduce healthcare costs

Another key benefit of generative AI in healthcare is its potential to help reduce healthcare costs. By improving the accuracy of diagnoses and treatment plans, generative AI can help minimize unnecessary tests, procedures, and medications, which can be costly and potentially harmful to patients. It can also help reduce hospital readmissions and emergency department visits by identifying and addressing potential complications early on.

Challenges and considerations must be taken into account

While generative AI can help propel the healthcare industry forward, there are potential pitfalls that need to be addressed and handled with caution. First, the accuracy of the generated data must be vetted, as the ramifications of inaccurate data in healthcare can be catastrophic. Additionally, there is a risk that AI algorithms could perpetuate biases and inequalities if they are not carefully designed and implemented. There is also a risk that patients’ privacy could be compromised if their data is not properly secured and protected.

Collaboration will be essential to realizing the full potential of generative AI in healthcare – both the potential and the risks. Medical professionals, AI experts, and policymakers must all work together to ensure that generative AI is used ethically and effectively to improve patient outcomes and transform the healthcare industry.

Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered and help improve patient outcomes. I’m excited to see how the discussions from HIMSS continue throughout the industry and in the clinic.

Sharon Golubchik
Senior Vice President, Health

Contact the Antenna Health team.

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